Thursday, September 26, 2013

Building Community

As Fall approaches and gardeners scramble to get ready for it, FIGG invites Aprende NJHS students to help out. 

Eleanor and Kathy rejoice.  These two are avid gardeners here at at home.

Alan, is a master at mentoring youth.  Here they prepare a food bank plot.

Another team working on a food bank plot.

The Children's Plot is carefully tended by Aprende's NJHS members.

Pam, the ever present supervisor, guides the youth.

This is a very fulfilling experience for everyone.  The students that volunteer for this day of work obviously enjoy it, and the gardeners appreciate the help, especially those that manage the food bank plots.

Green thumbs all around.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Students gardening

The UA Cooperative Extension has released a series of educational videos on YouTube explaining the fundamentals of gardening in the low deserts. 

Find more information here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The basil plants are fully grown, possibly even past the ideal time to harvest and make pesto.  But that did not stop this gardener from making some.

Recipes can be found all over the Internet.  Here's one.


This melon and a few of its brother are doing very well in the garden this August.

The lucky gardener will have enough for the rest of the summer.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Peyton's Gourd

Peyton has been away for the summer while her little brother undergoes important medical treatment.

This week we noticed what looks like a gourd growing in her plot.  But maybe it is something else.  We haven't decided.